1993年6月开云网页版登录入口-开云(中国)成立,前身隶属于上海市建委,2003年改制为股份开云网页版登录入口-开云(中国),原名“上海市建设工程开云网页版登录入口-开云(中国)有限开云网页版登录入口-开云(中国)”,2014年10月更名为“上海市建设工程开云网页版登录入口-开云(中国)咨询有限开云网页版登录入口-开云(中国)” ,现为法国必维国际检测集团旗下的一家中外合资企业。
Company founder Prof. Mr. Din Shizhao was the first to introduce state-of-the-art international engineering project management concept, philosophy and technology into China. He also dedicated himself to its propagation and practice in China. He made great contribution to the establishment and implementation of engineering consulting and Jianli system.
One of the earliest engineering consulting companies in China with 25 years of solid growth, SPM is a whole-process engineering consulting company covering engineering consulting, PM, BIM consulting, cost consulting, tender agency, government procurement agency, Jianli, OPEX consulting, etc.
SPM has 2000 employees. New sales(PM,cost consulting, tender agency, Jianli, etc.) in 2017 is about 500M CNY.